Friday, July 2, 2010

July 2, 2010 Garden Tidbits

I did my FIRST canning (by myself) ever! Jars of bread & butter pickles are lined on my kitchen work table for 12-24 hours after processing. We are going to keep a jar or three and give the others as gifts to some special people in our lives... ones we have been waiting to bless!

Cucumbers are everywhere and we need to look closely in order to not miss them and end up with dino sized harvest! Lots of pickles, relishes and more planned. Zucchini is the only other food we've brought in but a lot is getting ready to arrive by the looks at the plants.

I have been severely slacking on hand weeding and it sadly shows in a lot of places. Our green beans, basils, and kids gardens still have no mulch and the weeds are getting bad. I am scribbling it down on my to do list to hand weed a few minutes every single morning.

I am having a time gathering, editing, and finding a way to record all the pictures to keep recording our progress so I am considering doing the garden scrapbook/sketchbook/notebook/journal I started last year.

Here are the latest photos:


Rosetta said...

Im so glad your gardening efforts are paying off, Sandy!!!

Sandy W said...

Thank you, Rosetta!
It is a learning experience but we are being so blessed by the produce coming in now. Love to you, Sister:)

Jen said...

Your garden looks beautiful! Did you plant the morning glories at the bottom of your deck and they grew up around your deck? I would love to do that!

Sandy W said...

Thank you, Jen! It is a humble place but the Lord has helped us make progress in the almost 17 years we've been here.

Yes, I planted morning glory seeds at the bottom of our little porch and they grow right up. They will climb anything going up near them.

Years ago, I planted some morning glory seeds and every one told me they wouldn't grow in our soil. Our topsoil was sold over 30 years ago so we had to keep bringing dump loads since we first moved in.

Anyway, all of them came up. I've had moonbeam morning glory (big, white flowers that sometimes bloom at night instead of the morning) and still have a few of those. I've had crimson, purple, and heavenly blue. These were supposed to be heavenly blue but they are all purple... the hb are HARD to keep up here!